May 13, 2014

Iwata Claims Games Nearly Complete and Early in Development Will Be Shown at E3

Nintendo of Japan President Satoru Iwata has claimed games at both the status of nearly complete and early in development will be shown off. Here is what he stated regarding this.

 “The titles we are preparing to show you at E3 vary from being nearly complete to still in the early phases of development but with the core of its appeal noticeable.”

Most commonly discussed possibilities for new announcements include a new Metroid game, a new Zelda game for the Wii U, among others. But this quote seems to bring speculation. I personally feel they will reveal their new IP at E3 in regards to this quote, since we still know nothing about it. Nintendo will be holding a digital E3 like last year.

For more news and updates on everything Nintendo, be sure to keep up to date with Nintendo Alliance!

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