May 12, 2014

Miyamoto Is Making Sure that Nintendo Has Enough "Gamepad-Specific" Projects

According to Miyamoto, he's spending his time helping Nintendo Developers helping developers over at Nintendo learn how to make full use of the Wii U's Gamepad controller and all of it's features for upcoming games. Specifically though, he seems to be referring to ones at E3.

According to Saturo Iwata, most of these projects are near completion, while some need more time. Iwata stated:

“Today I only spoke about Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers For Wii U in terms of Wii U software, however, at the E3 event to be held in June in Los Angeles we will discuss other software as well,” said Iwata. “Also, at that time, we will introduce multiple games that are designed to introduce players to the value of the Wii U Game Pad by demonstrating playstyles only possible because of it. These titles have been developed by internal teams under the guidance of Mr. Miyamoto (Board Member, General Manager of the Development Division). The software titles that we will show at E3, which make use of the Game Pad, will range from near complete titles to titles that are early in development, but will demonstrate the titles’ core appeals. We are preparing multiple software like this for the show.”

For more news on these upcoming projects at E3 and everything else Nintendo, be sure to keep up to date with the Nintendo Alliance!

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